Well, its a sunny day today. It feels so good! I’ve put the fininshing touches on the elvin doll and hare. I couldn’t decide if I wanted them together or not but when I started the hare it was meant they be together. After taking the photos below of elvin’s top half and lantern I noticed the light colored spot on her cheek. It was where she fell off the table onto a hard floor. Fimo, quik mix, and cernit makes a really hard clay after baking and was worth the trouble to mix. I’ve been experiencing with genesis paints which is what was used on this doll. So her cheek was touched up along with some more freckles and eye makeup. Using a embossing heat gun the paint is sealed. I was not happy with her hair so more was added. Then I noticed it still did not look just right so I covered the doll with plastic wrap and carefully washed, conditioned and rinsed it. “Much better”. Water ran down her face but since the makeup is baked on there was no problems. Posted is her final photo with the hare. Oh, and their names are: Kaila and Twitch.